Aydin T., Korkmaz Ismail Hakki, AB Sahin, Kaymaz Irfan. "Investigation of subcrestally placed dental implants with and without apical cortical bone anchorage under conventional or immediate loading." Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 41 (2023)
Kaymaz Irfan, F. Alibeyoğlu, ve I.M. Dagsuyu. "Effect of uncertain quantities on the stability analysis of a miniscrew anchorage system." Clinical and Investigative Orthodontics, 2023.
Murat F., Kaymaz Irfan, Sensoy Abdullah Tahir, ve Korkmaz Ismail Hakki. "Determining the optimum process parameters of selective laser melting via particle swarm optimization based on the response surface method." Metals and Materials International, 29(1), 2023
Murat F., Kaymaz Irfan, Sensoy Abdullah Tahir, ve Korkmaz Ismail Hakki. "Determining the Optimum Process Parameters of Selective Laser Melting via Particle Swarm Optimization based on the Response Surface Method." Metals and Materials International, 29(1), 2022.
Korkmaz Ismail Hakki, Kaymaz Irfan, Yildirim Omer Selim, Murat, F., ve Kovaci, Halim. "Designing and in-vitro testing of a novel patient-specific total knee prosthesis using the probabilistic approach." Biomedical Engineering-Biomedizinische Technik, 2022.
Albayrak Berkman, Korkmaz Ismail Hakki, Wee Alvin G., Sukotjo Cortino, ve Bayindir Funda. "Assessing the Effect of Interimplant Distance and Angle on Different Impression Techniques." Machines, SCI-Expanded, 2022.
Sensoy Abdullah Tahir, Korkmaz Ismail Hakki, Medetalibeyoglu Fatih ve Kaymaz Irfan. "Evaluation of Graft Harvesting Operations from Anterior and Posterior Iliac Donor Sites by Finite Element Analysis." Caucasian Journal of Science, 2022.
Şensoy Abdullah Tahir, Kaymaz Irfan, ve Ertas Umit. "Biomechanical evaluation of a novel mandibular distraction osteogenesis protocol: an in-vitro validation and the practical use of the method." Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, SCI, 2021.
Sensoy Abdullah Tahir, Colak Murat, Kaymaz Irfan, ve Findik Fehim. "An application of finite element method in material selection for dental implant crowns." Biomedizinische Technik, EBSCO, 2021.
Murat F., Kaymaz Irfan, ve Korkmaz Ismail Hakki. "A new porous fixation plate design using the topology optimization." Medical Engineering & Physics, SCI, 2021.
Yildiz Kadri, Medetalibeyoğlu Fatih ve Kaymaz Irfan. "Triad of foot deformities and its conservative treatment: With a 3D customized insole." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, SCI, 2021.
Kul Esra ve Korkmaz Ismail Hakki. "Stresses on the prosthetic structure with splinted versus unsplinted short and long adjacent implant types: A finite element analysis study." Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, SCI-Expanded, 2021.
Albayrak Berkman, Sukotjo Cortino, Wee Alvin G., Korkmaz İsmail Hakki, ve Bayindir Funda. "Three-Dimensional Accuracy of Conventional Versus Digital Complete Arch Implant Impressions." Journal of Prosthodontics-Implant Esthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry, SCI-Expanded, 2021.
Kul Esra ve Korkmaz Ismail Hakki. "Effect of different design of abutment and implant on stress distribution in 2 implants and peripheral bone: A finite element analysis study." The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, SCI-Expanded, 2021.
Korkmaz Ismail Hakki. "Koyun Ön Çapraz Bağının Hiperelastik Malzeme Özelliklerinin In-Vitro ve 3 Boyutlu Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi." Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, Tr Dizin, 2021
Sensoy Abdullah Tahir, Kaymaz Irfan ve Ertaş Umit. "Development of particle swarm and topology optimization-based modeling for mandibular distractor plates." Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, SCI-Expanded, 2020.
Sensoy AT, Colak M, Kaymaz I ve Dispinar D. "Investigating the Optimum Model Parameters for Casting Process of A356 Alloy: A Cross-validation Using Response Surface Method and Particle Swarm Optimization." Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, SCI-Expanded, 2020.
Murat F., Korkmaz I. H., Şensoy A. T., ve Kaymaz I. (2019). "Eklemeli Üretim İle Elde Edilen Fonksiyonel Kademelendirilmiş Gözenekli İmplantlar." Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım ve Teknoloji, Tr Dizin.